Why A Gut Reaction Can Save Your Life

Why A Gut Reaction Can Save Your Life

It was January 2004. We’d made it about halfway to the relative safety of the U.S. Embassy traveling on “IED Alley,” the highway that connected Camp Victory to Baghdad. The Iraqis’ name for the divided highway was “Death Street” because of the high...
How to Sharpen Your Sixth Sense

How to Sharpen Your Sixth Sense

**This article was originally published on Dr. Eric Haseltine’s Psychology Today Column** I was a nerdy kid who got bullied a lot. So, even after I grew to an athletic six feet at 16, I still got nervous whenever I encountered a tough-looking guy. I’d feel the...
Take the One Second Intelligence Test

Take the One Second Intelligence Test

I’m expecting all kinds of criticism for this test.   Some people will argue it’s overly simplistic. Others will assert it’s misleading–even dangerous—to suggest that you can assess intelligence –at least sort of–through a one second test. So, I’m not...

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