Doctors Impossible

Discovering the Extraordinary Inside and Around Us

Doctors Impossible

Discovering the Extraordinary Inside and Around Us
Making the Impossible Possible
Human flight was once considered impossible. So was running a sub-four-minute mile or living to 100 years old. Communicating instantly with anyone from anywhere in the world was once impossible. As was leaving Earth. Throughout human history, we have transformed a long list of impossibilities into everyday realities. And we are far from finished. As Doctors of the Impossible, we are dedicated to finding the next “impossibilities” both in the world and inside each of us, and exploring how they might shape our future.
Making the Impossible Possible
Human flight was once considered impossible. So was running a sub-four-minute mile or living to 100 years old. Communicating instantly with anyone from anywhere in the world was once impossible. As was leaving Earth. Throughout human history, we have transformed a long list of impossibilities into everyday realities. And we are far from finished. As Doctors of the Impossible, we are dedicated to finding the next “impossibilities” both in the world and inside each of us, and exploring how they might shape our future.
Discovering the Impossible in. . .
The Past

Much of what we take for granted today was once impossible
The Present

Looking for the future in today’s extraordinary impossibilities
The Personal

We all have hidden capacities that might be hinting towards the future
About the Doctors Impossible

Could Our Microbiome Treat Mental Disease and Other Illnesses?
What if some people’s gut bacteria could be used for treating other people’s diseases?
New Ways to Fight Against Colon Cancer
New miraculous drugs against colon cancer are being discovered and tested in clinical trials as we speak.
Is Our Body the Battery of the Future?
This young MIT researcher is harvesting energy from the body itself!